Friday, March 16, 2007


I’m a night-owl. Okay, I’m quite adept at procrastination; but for more reasons than that, I often find myself burning the midnight oil.

To make matters worse, I’m infecting other family members…yikes! On most school nights my teenage daughter is working on her homework well past midnight. I’ve begged, cajoled and pleaded, to no avail. She must be her mother’s daughter.

This week, in support of those parents who are struggling with children who are struggling to manage their time, I’d like to share the following strategies, based on an article by KnowledgePoints Learning Centers.

Understand the Meaning of Time

Buy your child an analog clock or watch. She will develop a greater understanding of time as she sees the minutes and hours pass.

Get Organized

Make a routine of when and where your child studies. His workspace should be well-lit, and organized for ready access to school supplies and resources.

Use a Planner
Like adults, kids need a place to record projects and assignments. Their planners should include extra-curricular and family related activities, so they know how to budget their time.

Outline Responsibilities

Help your child identify the most important items for the week. Have him create a to-do list, and share his sense of accomplishment as items are completed.

Avoid Overload

Sometimes things just pile up. Watch for signs of overload, and make sure your child’s schedule includes adequate time for eating, sleeping and having fun.

Practice Effective Study Strategies
Help your child determine how much time she will need to complete each assignment. Break long-term assignments into multiple steps that can be scheduled and completed a little each day.

Be Flexible
When the unexpected happens, help your child rearrange his schedule by discussing options and consequences.

Keep Goals in Mind

Children can’t always see the big picture. Remind them to focus on the important things, and maintain a positive attitude.

While this article was designed for working with children, the same strategies will work for us. After all, effective time management principles are universal.

Please visit the Parent Center at KnowledgePoints to read the complete article, Time Management: Planning for Success.

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