Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Finding Joy

Did you notice the title of this page? The Joy of Time Management. I know you must be thinking, "yeah...right." But if you'll hang with me just a minute, I'll try to explain.

I was looking for a name that I thought clearly stated the purpose of our blog - time management - and yet didn't scare anyone off with visions of daunting time logs, half-checked to-do lists, or unforgiving routines. Instead of focusing on the how-to (at least in the name), I chose to focus on the end result: JOY.

And the more thought I put into this name, the more fitting it becomes. First, we feel joy when we manage our time wisely. And then, having done so, we give ourselves more time to pursue those things that bring us joy. Whether it's more time with family, time to volunteer, or time to travel, surely each one of us could benefit from a little more joy in our lives.

So before we go any further in our journey - before we start setting goals, making lists, and completing calendars - I need you to do some "joy seeking."

What is it that brings you joy?

What do you enjoy doing?

If the time fairy granted you two more hours today, how would you spend them?

(You're not really going to spend them racking up a few more checks on some to-do list, are you?)

Identifying the sources of joy in your life is an important step toward better time management. Without first naming those things that bring you joy, you can find no purpose, no direction, and no sense in managing your time differently. (Notice I said differently, not better, because better is a comparative term relative to your goal - which is not yet named!)

Look for your joys this week. You'll find them in your heart; not your calendar, your check book, or your to-do list. I hope the quote I've picked for this posting inspires you to return for more.

Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual as one in which he has had some fun, some joy, some real satisfaction, that day is a loss.

Dwight David Eisenhower

Friday, January 19, 2007

To get all there is out of living, we must employ our time wisely, never being in too much of a hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our sense of the enormous value of a minute.
~ Robert Updegraff

With the start of a new year, many of us are setting new personal and/or professional goals for ourselves. Whether those goals are small or life-changing, they likely require some investment of time.

But where will we find that time? We certainly can't make more time. The best we can do is make a trade - an exchange of one activity for another - that will enable us to reach our chosen goals.

Years ago I conducted public workshops for a company that offered tools and training to enhance personal productivity. I can attest to the value of goal setting, planning, and putting the right tools to work. (Even if I don't always practice what I know!)

This blog is set up to exchange tips, techniques, and general thoughts for using time more effectively. Each week I'll start with a thought, and share at least one technique designed to help you get more out of your day, and ultimately, reach your goals. I'm not sure in what order things will be presented. Maybe it will be driven by the kind of week I'm having. Or maybe you'll post something that I can build on. Wherever it goes, I hope it adds value to your day.